Florida Golf Courses

Saturday, November 26, 2005

Golfers To Drive The Hydrogen Highway

Golfers driving the fairways at WCI's (NYSE:WCI) Venetian Golf & River Club are helping pave the way for what many believe will be the energy source of future generations: hydrogen.

With the Country's dependence on fossil fuels hitting an all time high, and consumers paying the price at the gas pump with prices approaching the $2.00 mark, the recent installation of a hydrogen fuel cell at the Venetian Golf & River Club in Venice, Florida marks the first partnership of its kind between Florida Power & Light Company (FPL) and a builder-developer for fuel cell research in the State of Florida. Other partners have included governments and universities.

"At WCI we're committed to building sustainable communities and pushing the industry as a whole to build homes and communities that are healthy and viable for both residents and our environment," said Karen Childress, WCI's environmental stewardship manager. "By supporting FPL's hydrogen fuel cell research today, we believe we're helping to build the foundation for hydrogen-powered homes of tomorrow."

A hydrogen fuel cell manufactured by industry leader Plug Power (Nasdaq:PLUG) was installed adjacent to the Venetian's golf cart barn in late March. FPL will monitor the performance activity and availability of the fuel cell over the course of the next year for both scientific research and education purposes. Residents will be able to observe the fuel cell and learn about the benefits of hydrogen as a future energy source throughout the term of the research project. In addition, a limited amount of power generated by the fuel cell will be used to help charge Venetian golf carts on a regular basis.

"We thank WCI for partnering with FPL to evaluate and test fuel cell technology at the Venetian property, and for their commitment to environmentally friendly building practices," said Bill Hamilton, vice president of customer service for FPL.

Hydrogen fuel cells offer the potential for a clean, reliable and efficient energy source for vehicles, commercial buildings, homes and small devices such as computers. By using energy in the air around us to make electricity, without combustion, the conversion process combines hydrogen from natural gas and oxygen from air to make power, and producing as a byproduct mainly water and heat.

"Hydrogen fuel cells will be a viable solution to help meet the long term energy needs and escalating costs facing our Country," said Plug Power President Roger Saillant. "Research projects like the one with WCI are critical to reduce the timeframe of bringing alternative energy sources to the marketplace and I applaud their leadership role in this arena."

The Venetian is an ideal community in which to conduct research into alternative energy sources. Built with a vigilant respect for the environment, Venetian is a benchmark sustainable community demonstrating a commitment to careful treatment of the land and to building healthy and energy efficient homes that are certifiable by the Florida Green Building Coalition. In addition, this month the Venetian will receive its certification as an Audubon International Gold Signature Community for its land development practices and, the community has been designated as an FPL energy efficient BuildSmart community.

Today it's golf carts on the hydrogen highway, and tomorrow, with the help of companies like WCI, the sky's the limit.


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