Florida Golf Courses

Tuesday, December 27, 2005

Florida Golf Course Dog Gets Eviction Notice

A black labrador mix had found a home at the Ironwood Golf Course in Gainesville, Florida, or so it thought. Officials at the golf course have decided to call animal control to have the dog removed if no one steps up to adopt her.

No one knows where the dog came from, but it decided to take residence at the golf course three years ago. Since then, regular golfers have built up a fondness for her. Employees at the golf course named her "Puppy" and bought her a collar with a pet identification tag, along with a dog dish. Golfers always brought her food and snacks.

Even the manager of the Florida golf course paid to have a veterinarian come in to give her a check up and booster shots.

But recently, she snarled at some children, and struck a cause for alarm with owners of the golf course. They didn't want any one getting hurt, so they made the decision to have her taken away.

"She's part of this course," golfer Al Nazworth said of the dog he has come to know as "Blackie." Others call her "Black Dog."

"That's the worst thing they could do for public relations at this course," he said shaking his head in disbelief.
So far, no one has come forth to adopt her.


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