Florida Golf Courses

Tuesday, March 14, 2006

Gains, Losses In Mizner Trail Florida Golf Course Deal

It is time to put the Mizner Trail Project to rest after a crushing defeat by the Palm Beach County commissioners.

So let us analyze what has been gained or lost in this defeat.

The South Florida Coalition was concerned with the increase of traffic if the Mizner Trail Project were approved. A traffic study showed that it would not be a problem. The Palm Beach County commissioners ignored the findings of a company that only deals with traffic problems.

The South County Coalition, which was spearheaded by the La Hoya Group, objected to their view being obscured by the building of 22 homes, which would start at $1 million.

They preferred a Florida golf course view, which only applied to 12 of the homes facing the Mizner Trail Florida Golf Course. Logic dictates that with the building of the 22 homes at $1 million each, it would only increase the value of their property and every home and condo in the Boca Delmar area. Now for the next six years, they will be facing a "sea of weeds." So South County Coalition, you have just traded a view of million-dollar homes for a browned-out Florida golf course.

Now the Palm Beach County commissioners didn't consider what was best for the 400-condo owners in Camino Real Village and the 900 homes surrounding the Mizner Trail Florida Golf Course.

By taking away our Florida golf course view, they have just lowered the value of our properties by 10 percent to 15 percent.

The commissioners didn't even take into consideration the Boca Delmar recommendation in favor of the Mizner Trail Project. Their minds were already made up.

Unfortunately, there are no winners. The 400 condos in Camino Real Village, Mizner Trail Project and the 900 homes facing the Florida golf course had the most to lose. The La Hoya Troup only lost the view of 12 homes.


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