Florida Golf Courses

Friday, June 23, 2006

Gators Should Be Hunted On Florida Golf Courses

I find it obscene that any official in our state would remotely consider prosecuting a police or wildlife officer for killing an 11-foot alligator on a Florida golf course that was threatening himself or others.

That this animal is still protected in this state escapes me. The four-decades-long environmental protection afforded the "gator" has allowed it to proliferate to the point where there are now large, dangerous, lethal-size beasts in practically every body of water on any Florida golf course.

The recent deaths of three people in one week from alligator attacks should be enough to alert even the most jaded bureaucrat to the fact we have a problem. It's called a clue.

The problem is too many alligators are competing with too many people for space. Something has to give. While it may give environmentalists the vapors, it's time to open "gator" hunting season on Florida golf courses.


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