Florida Golf Courses

Monday, June 26, 2006

Plantation Golfers Teed Off Over Prices At Florida Golf Courses

They shelled out thousands of dollars for memberships at the city's Plantation Preserve golf course of Florida just a few months ago and now play alongside people who paid only hundreds for a discount card.

Some members are threatening an exodus. Many are demanding the city evaluate the prices and give them some type of incentive. Some have already taken their golf bags and joined courses elsewhere.

"From a monetary standpoint, if I knew about the Premier card from the beginning, I would have re-evaluated my membership," said Will Dudman. "I agree they have to fill the Florida golf course. They have to make money. But it's cheaper to be a Premier card member. I don't necessarily think it's fair."

City officials are listening.

"It's just not fair if the guy next to him doesn't have to put out the same kind of money," Councilman Rico Petrocelli said. "I want visitors to our city, but not at the expense of our residents. Every one of the people I talked to said our residents are upset. They want their money back; we are not being customer-friendly."

Last week, Dan Keefe, assistant to the mayor, said the city would review its use of the discount card and make a decision "prior to membership renewal in October."

When the Florida golf course opened in February, the city offered memberships for a city resident at $1,878 and for families at $2,528. The price has since risen, and golf officials say there are about 250 members. But to encourage more golfers, especially during the summer, Plantation Preserve began to offer a Premier card. When the course opened, the price was $185. In June, it was hiked to $212 and beginning July 6 it will be $100. The card is good only through Oct. 31.

Members pay $20 for a round of golf, and Premier holders pay $25. Members are allowed to book seven days in advance, but Premier holders have less time -- about four or five days. Course officials said 290 people bought Premier cards.

"We offered it because we're a brand-new Florida golf course and we want to get the most exposure possible," said Colleen Cashman-McSween, membership director. "We are a public facility and we are supposed to generate revenue; it helps keep costs down. Most golf courses across South Florida don't get much play in the summertime -- it's too hot, it's dead -- and we're very lucky to be the new kid on the block. We are very busy every day, much more busy than we anticipated."

She acknowledges that the Premier card "is taking up some of our member tee times" but said that will quickly change in the wintertime.

That's not good enough for resident Wayne Koppel. He paid his membership before the course even opened, and eventually requested a refund. He now plays at the Woodlands in Tamarac.

"At first, it was great but once the Premier card and discount programs set in, you couldn't get tee times anymore, the course was too crowded and I wasn't happy with management's response to our complaints -- that it was a public Florida course and we should be patient for the summer," he said.

Both he and a buddy left. Koppel said he is busy with his children's sports in the winter and he wants to be able to play without frustrations he encountered such as a half-hour wait because the Florida golf course was too busy, or the tee sheet was booked, or there were no carts left.

"For my couple thousand bucks, I should get preferential treatment," he said.

Resident Alan Siegel agrees, and hopes the city forces the course to change the policy quickly.

"When I joined Plantation Preserve, I joined it because it was going to be a beautiful, magnificent golf course and have a true, honest to God membership," he said. "I had every expectation I would be able to play golf whenever I wanted to at my own course given that I laid out a lot of money."

But now, he said, "There are so many non-members allowed to fill up the available times at this Florida golf course, there's nothing available for members."


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